17.11.2021 / 21:00

Everyone wants to avoid a new economic slump. But this cannot be achieved without everyone shouldering the responsibility of enforcing the necessary health measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus. 

16.11.2021 / 21:41 MICHAEL B. CHRISTIDES

The recent decision granting the right for the operation and management of Egnatia Odos to a private group represents a new chapter in the life of the highway that extends from Greece’s western port of Igoumenitsa to the eastern Greek-Turkish border at Kipoi.

16.11.2021 / 21:14

In a recent interview with Kathimerini, Deputy Prime Minister Panagiotis Pikrammenos, a constitutional law expert, spoke extensively of the shortcomings of the Greek justice system.

16.11.2021 / 21:00

The renewed hybrid attack on Europe’s northeastern border between Poland and Belarus is more than a vindication of the stance adopted by Greece in early 2020 on its border with Turkey at Evros. The images of thousands of migrants clamoring to push through Poland’s border can also serve as a lever for Greece so it […]

16.11.2021 / 10:29 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

With the Prespes agreement, Greece secured the immediate change of the international name of its northern neighbor to “North Macedonia” (a compound name with a geographical qualifier).

15.11.2021 / 11:20

After a parliamentary nail-biter that lasted until late Thursday in North Macedonia’s Parliament, Zoran Zaev and his government in Skopje seem to have been given a three-month lease on life.

15.11.2021 / 08:45 ALEXANDROS P. MALLIAS

Notwithstanding the optimistic statements and the warm reactions that marked the signing of the Prespes agreement, one thing is certain: Only the short-term and, more certainly, the long-term future will show if this agreement will go down as an “historic” one. If, in other words, the agreement will stand the test of time.

14.11.2021 / 21:50

All of Europe is being hit by the fourth wave of the pandemic. The ordeal that Greece is going through is not due to any cultural peculiarity.

14.11.2021 / 20:39 NIKOS KOTZIAS

We need to pay careful attention to global and regional developments so we can soberly and calmly identify the changes, opportunities and strategic quandaries that arise.