25.11.2021 / 05:22 JANET SUZMAN

Sometimes fairy tales come true: I never thought to see the stunning coverage given to the Parthenon Marbles by two leading right-wing newspapers, the Mail and the Telegraph.

24.11.2021 / 21:12

We have already reached 100 dead a day from Covid0-19, with 600 patients intubated in intensive care units. Hospitals are having to reduce regular surgeries to deal, day and night, with Covid patients, whose numbers are increasing by almost 10,000 a day.

24.11.2021 / 21:00

The creation of a Greek hub in Silicon Valley, the seat of the avant-garde of the US tech scene, is a model for the extroversion that the Greek economy must follow.

23.11.2021 / 21:00

Expanding the capital’s metro system will not only improve the everyday life of its citizens; it will also create new economic opportunities for local communities. 

20.11.2021 / 18:19

Since the start of the week, Alexandroupoli has seen unprecedented traffic in the form of US military helicopters – reaching more than 150 – headed to hotspots near Ukraine and Belarus.

20.11.2021 / 10:40

Many are curious about the recent discussion over the return of the Parthenon Sculptures. Is it a case of another prime minister using an emotionally charged issue to score points with voters?

19.11.2021 / 21:10

No sooner had the Penal Code been changed than police arrested a lawyer who allegedly has played a leading role in undermining the vaccination campaign against Covid-19.

19.11.2021 / 21:00

The terrible ordeal thousands of Athenians were subjected to when they had to leave home during the public transport strike on Thursday is not a reason to demand the abolition of the right to strike.

18.11.2021 / 22:47

Some politicians who have succumbed to the lure of publicity and others out of sheer political inexperience constantly feed a babel of speculation about possible health measures.