13.12.2021 / 11:00

In the great post-war map of the Cold War, the issue of the archives of Jewish communities that had been looted by Nazi occupying forces across Europe remained a murky affair.

13.12.2021 / 10:15

Strategic autonomy indicates the strengthening of the EU’s impact, if not through all 27 acting in unison, then through “coalitions of the willing” or forms of “enhanced cooperation” in which groups of like-minded member-states act jointly.

12.12.2021 / 22:04

Osman Kavala has been in prison in Turkey for the past four years. Why? Because he angered Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by being critical of his rule.

12.12.2021 / 21:46

The election of a new Movement for Change (KINAL) leader is a subject of interest not only to supporters of the center-left party, but also to those who want to see the political system cured of a long-standing imbalance.

11.12.2021 / 22:46

The latest incident of extreme reactionism, which took place Friday in Pieria, northern Greece – when a group of anti-vax zealots calling themselves the “Guardians of the Constitution” manhandled a school principal and dragged him to the local police station – should not be treated lightly.

10.12.2021 / 22:49

Frontline health workers in the National Health System (ESY) are at their limits for a second consecutive year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

10.12.2021 / 21:10 ELIAS G. HADJIKOUMIS

Turkey has had plans to establish nuclear power plants since the 1970s, and these plans have become a key aspect of the country’s goal of economic development and growth.

10.12.2021 / 21:09

US President Joe Biden’s virtual Summit for Democracy, which began Thursday and ends Friday, seeks to unite democratic countries and forces in the face of this new world’s dangers.

09.12.2021 / 22:02

The poll by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) that measures the business climate confirms that the digitization of the state has a direct effect on business. 

09.12.2021 / 21:40

One thing Papandreou could have done is conceded defeat and expressed support for the party’s renewal as embodied by Androulakis, instead of accusing him of being a mouthpiece for the old guard.

09.12.2021 / 13:46 ANDY MANATOS

Unfortunately, we will again join current and former presidents, senators, members, cabinet officials and other prominent officials at the Washington National Cathedral to lay to rest another friend. This friend was a giant from America’s greatest era – Bob Dole. He was an important, behind-the-scenes philhellene, whose philotimo, or love of honor, was seen by all.

08.12.2021 / 21:10

Greece is in urgent need of great reforms. As impressive as the country’s growth rate may be, we will face the same impasses unless we implement reforms in education, justice, healthcare, and the public administration.

08.12.2021 / 21:00

The first reactions from Greece’s main opposition, leftist SYRIZA, to the open leadership election held by the center-left Movement for Change (KINAL) party demonstrate a relapse into its old reflexes of blind political confrontation. 

07.12.2021 / 23:30 GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULOS

The joint declaration of the December 7 Greece-Israel-Cyprus summit exhibits the determination of the three countries to further strengthen their cooperation.