10.01.2022 / 20:45

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. Public trust in health experts and state officials has been seriously damaged.

10.01.2022 / 16:51

If expert predictions on the pandemic are confirmed, there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel. Even though we will continue living with Covid-19, it will probably become endemic – as long as no new variants with dangerous mutations appears.

10.01.2022 / 16:44

The argument over whether the state cannot cover the cost of all diagnostic Covid-19 tests for all citizens, or can only do so for specific categories such as school pupils, may be understandable.

07.01.2022 / 10:40

Cadets of the Turkish National Defense University’s Naval Academy were seen in a recent video swimming a distance of 1,950 meters to the islet of Tuzla, seemingly to prove that they can take over the Greek island of Kastellorizo. 

06.01.2022 / 22:59

The problem of public infrastructure projects missing their delivery dates and overrunning their budget should have been a thing of the previous century. 

05.01.2022 / 21:30

For some reason, “Don’t Look Up,” a film directed by Adam McKay and released on Netflix shortly before Christmas, appears to have divided its audience between those who adored it (excessively) and those who detested it (excessively).

05.01.2022 / 21:00

If the two years since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic are any guide, it is safe to say that the effectiveness of safety measures against Covid-19 relies largely on social attitudes.

04.01.2022 / 21:56

With a little bit of luck, and if the sky does not fall on our heads (as the ancient Gauls said in the Asterix comics), the new year that just dawned will be better than the previous one, mainly because the issue that has occupied our lives since the start of 2020 – the coronavirus pandemic – seems to be becoming less dangerous.

04.01.2022 / 17:27

The pandemic does not care about anyone’s plans or beliefs. The government, however, has adopted a firm position: That of all the different functions of economic and social life, education will be the last to be suspended.