17.01.2022 / 23:16

For most Greek governments after the restoration of democracy, the second half of their term was not productive. 

17.01.2022 / 09:16 NIKOS TSAFOS

The US decision to shift its focus from the EastMed gas pipeline to regional electricity interconnectors is an opportunity for Greece.

15.01.2022 / 21:15

Novak Djokovic and Boris Johnson have both featured prominently in the media in recent days. The No 1 tennis player in the world rankings and the prime minister of Britain unwillingly offered an important service by lying at the time of a pandemic.

15.01.2022 / 21:00

Many teaching hours have been lost in the last two years, during which an entire generation was deprived of in-person learning and the great benefits that stem from their being in the school environment. 

15.01.2022 / 12:21

One of the givens of our public life is the way self-proclaimed patriots attack those they consider lacking in historical knowledge and who are, consequently, “ethno-nihilists,” lacking a suitable patriotic conscience.

14.01.2022 / 21:01

A week has passed since pupils returned to classes but the noisy scaremongering against the decision to open schools following the winter break has yet to dissipate. 

13.01.2022 / 22:13

The US State Department’s non-paper with which Washington has distanced itself from the construction of the EastMed gas pipeline, due in part to the tension that Ankara systematically cultivates in the Eastern Mediterranean, has raised the diplomatic alarm in Athens.

12.01.2022 / 21:22 ANTHONY COUMIDIS

After the raft of commitments announced by the world’s governments at last year’s COP26 climate summit, the question on everyone’s lips is how much progress on reducing carbon emissions will actually be made.

12.01.2022 / 21:10

Many European governments are complaining because Washington and Moscow have left them out of talks about the Ukraine issue, which is, in fact, extraordinary, because the subject of talks is Europe’s new security architecture. 

12.01.2022 / 05:58

Without being drawn into the intricacies of Cyprus’ domestic political developments, let alone those taking place within the governing Democratic Rally party itself, the resignation of Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides leads to a certain level of turbulence that is not beneficial to the national cause, the aspirations of Cypriots to see their homeland reunited.

11.01.2022 / 21:31

The “bounty” issued by groups of hooligans “on the head” of the rector of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, should meet with the explicit condemnation of all political parties.

10.01.2022 / 21:00

It may seem like a bad omen, or it could just be a coincidence: the shadow of the “Ukrainian issue,” which is expected to loom large over 2022, brings to mind memories of Greece’s adventures in January 1919 when the government of then-prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos made the reckless decision to send troops to Ukraine to fight the Bolsheviks, essentially aligning the country with western (more specifically, French) policy.