22.01.2022 / 21:15

The amount of red tape and bother that people are subjected to in order to simply transfer a real estate asset does not reflect the image of the “digital state” we want Greece to be.

21.01.2022 / 21:50

Greek taxpayers continue to pay a futile levy for the support of state-owned firms. What they are basically paying for is the political system’s incompetence and lack of courage.

21.01.2022 / 09:00 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

In May 2020, the Greek Parliament ratified (Law 4687/2020), by a broad majority, the intergovernmental agreement of Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Italy on a gas transportation system from the Eastern Mediterranean to European markets, the EastMed pipeline.

21.01.2022 / 08:15

This is not really news: Squatters at two schools in Athens destroyed the premises. 

21.01.2022 / 00:08

A few days ago, I was watching CNBC. Along with its website, the TV channel is a well-respected, authoritative source of information, mainly on financial issues.

19.01.2022 / 21:00

The special police force that is already being trained to operate at Greece’s five biggest universities will not magically solve the problem of violence and delinquency on campuses. 

19.01.2022 / 17:56

North Macedonia was thrust into the post-Zaev era on December 22. In a short statement, Zoran Zaev announced that he had submitted his resignation as prime minister to the country’s parliamentary speaker.

18.01.2022 / 21:00

Monday’s ruling by an Istanbul court extending the detention of Turkish humanitarian Osman Kavala, who has already been in prison for more than four years without being convicted of any crime, shows the true face of Erdogan’s regime. 

18.01.2022 / 20:45

The Piraeus Bank employees’ association has been providing its members and their families with molecular (PCR) tests since September – when their retail price was 60-70 euros – at a price of 25 euros each, reaching 15,000 people.