28.01.2022 / 07:53

On Friday, January 21, we were presented with an official press release of the kind that is so often published as is, in the place of proper reporting, by many newspapers and online news outlets.

27.01.2022 / 20:51

There’s a chasm separating the country’s capable mayors and regional governors from their incompetent peers, but just how big the discrepancy in quality is becomes all the more apparent after in every big crisis or natural disaster. 

26.01.2022 / 21:56

Crisis management is our great curse. We have seen it before, we saw it again in the fires last summer, we’ve watched it these last couple of with the snow fiasco.

26.01.2022 / 21:20

Natural disasters have now become routine. It is no longer enough to take hasty initiatives to alleviate social discontent after each disaster.

25.01.2022 / 21:10 ALEXANDROS P. MALLIAS

Notwithstanding considerable progress, the Balkan region may not look much different in the post-pandemic era unless a genuine sense of political accountability is developed.

25.01.2022 / 21:05

People voted for regional governors in the expectation that they would do their job and be prepared for difficult situations.

25.01.2022 / 21:00

The silence cast by Monday’s snow echoed the sudden halt of the first lockdown. Nothing is more natural than snow in the winter, but this sudden interruption comes on top of a long list of other anomalies in recent years.

24.01.2022 / 21:34

Society has heard the same diagnosis concerning what Greece needs again and again. It needs three major reforms, and it needs them urgently.

24.01.2022 / 15:24 YANNIS MANIATIS

The unprecedented energy crisis unfolding in Europe is a result of the European Union’s stubborn and one-sided preoccupation with the Green Deal (which is important in its own right).