09.02.2022 / 21:30

I often wonder if this country is governable. But I imagine that there comes a time when whoever rules it asks the same question, without being sure of the answer. 

09.02.2022 / 21:00

Laws and more laws, stricter and again “even stricter.” But experience from high-profile cases of hooliganism shows that the main need is not to vote for new provisions for offenses that are already punishable by law. 

08.02.2022 / 21:30 NIKOS KOTZIAS

Russia believes that its losses in 1989-91 were rounded out by the accession of most of its old allies into Western institutions. This shift in the old balance of power left it in an insecure and volatile environment.

08.02.2022 / 21:10

‘The weekend sports matches had a different tone than usual. The cold-blooded murder of 19-year-old Alkis Kambanos by a gang of hooligans in Thessaloniki forced athletes and normal fans to be critical of the product they create together, and to write on their shirts and banners Alkis’ last plea: “Please stop hitting me.”

08.02.2022 / 21:00

Troubled state-owned nickel producer Larco has cost the Greek state more than half a billion euros. Its debts to Public Power Corporation (PPC) alone stand at €340 million. 


Ukraine has lately been the scene of an unfolding political and military thriller that could potentially upset the existing balance and have long-term consequences on the European security architecture.

07.02.2022 / 20:25 HENRI J. BARKEY

Earlier this month, the United States surprised Greece and its two primary partners in the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum, Israel and Cyprus, by withdrawing its backing for a natural gas pipeline that would have connected them to Europe.

06.02.2022 / 00:49

The distance between “please stop hitting me,” and “he was beating me all over my body, kicking and slapping me” is nothing but a breath – literally.

05.02.2022 / 21:30

The police investigation into fan clubs and associations in the wake of the brutal killing of a 19-year-old man in Thessaloniki is proceeding at a rapid pace.

05.02.2022 / 17:21 YANNIS VALINAKIS

We are, according to most analysts, a few weeks away from a Russian invasion of Ukraine, unless the West completely acquiesces to Vladimir Putin’s ultimatum – something very unlikely.

05.02.2022 / 13:46

Alexander the Great’s leadership skills are still studied today – among them, his insistence on leading from the front, on suffering with his troops and not exploiting the privileges of his position.

04.02.2022 / 22:28

The Greek authorities showed good reflexes in the wake of the murder of a 19-year-old soccer fan in Thessaloniki.

04.02.2022 / 06:40

The present dynamics in Greece’s political scene, in the wake of the unexpectedly high participation in the leadership elections for the center-left Movement for Change (KINAL) and Nikos Androulakis’ victory, will lead to a situation where, after the next national polls no single party will be able to form a government.