20.02.2022 / 22:35

Greece’s foreign policy is defined by some constants that have been respected by all political parties that have ruled for the last 30 years – even when, in the runup to national elections, some parties had challenged them.

19.02.2022 / 14:25 GERARD ROLAND, NIKOLAS NEOS

The reason behind Russian aggression in the Ukrainian border is crystallized in Vladimir Putin’s recently published article “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.”

19.02.2022 / 12:59

“The problem is not [SYRIZA MP Pavlos] Polakis, but polakism,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras during a parliamentary debate in November 2020 about the number of ICU beds at Athens’ Sotiria Hospital, referring to the outspoken SYRIZA lawmaker and defining “polakism” as a “mixture of sarcasm, arrogance, bravado and lies.”


In 2014, brother nations (“bratskie narodi”) Russia and Ukraine, united by common cultures, mentalities, customs, traditions and closely related languages, became enemies. They have remained so for eight years now.

18.02.2022 / 21:15

It’s not that we are unaware of the dangers, and yet, very often we abandon ourselves to blessed inertia, or to nonsensical hyperactivity where we think that looking busy absolves us of responsibility for what will follow.

18.02.2022 / 21:00

We have become used to public discourse being coarsened. Similarly, we have become used to the vitriol flung by anonymous social media accounts. 

18.02.2022 / 15:15 BRUCE CLARK

Does the status of the Parthenon Sculptures amount to a simple question of ethics or a complex, but ultimately soluble, question of law?

17.02.2022 / 20:07

The parliamentary debate which preceded the approval of agreements for the purchase of Belharra frigates and Rafale fighter jets from France was not a one-dimensional affair.

17.02.2022 / 15:24

This is not a letter of accusation but the heartfelt expressions of a Greek man, born and raised in Athens. 

16.02.2022 / 21:15

The landscape of international relations is radically changing. The sooner we realize that, the better. The foreign policy and defense tools that we used to have at our disposal are no more, although this may not yet be fully clear to us. 

16.02.2022 / 21:00

The prediction that, in the next two decades, the population of Greece may have decreased by almost a million is, unfortunately, no longer surprising.