26.02.2022 / 21:00

Athens has always found it difficult to gain the attention of its partners whenever it needed to explain what it is like to face a threat from a revisionist country, which wants to “correct” the “mistakes” of history by force. 

25.02.2022 / 21:10

History’s tectonic plates are shifting. No one knows the magnitude, depth or duration of the earthquake caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday.

25.02.2022 / 21:00

National borders must never be changed by force. In the case of Greece, this guiding principle is mandated by the country’s longstanding faith in international law, historical orientation and national interest. 

24.02.2022 / 23:17

The rapid imposition of a fine on Attiki Odos SA, the company managing the Greek capital’s biggest ring road, for its omissions in the recent snowstorm – which led to thousands of motorists being left stranded on the highway – is, unfortunately, unprecedented.

24.02.2022 / 17:04 STATHIS N. KALYVAS

The two biggest obstacles the rebelling Greeks of 1821 had to face were the massive gulf in clout separating them from the Ottomans and the negative stance of the great powers, which were eager to avoid any trouble and uprisings.

24.02.2022 / 09:23

Greek-Israeli ties are at a very mature point, to the benefit of both countries. A gradual deepening should have started many decades ago, but it is no good to dwell on the past.

23.02.2022 / 21:00

The idea of afternoon surgeries gives more freedom to the medical staff working in the country’s National Healthcare System (ESY), without opposing its public nature. 

23.02.2022 / 20:20 NIKOS ANDROULAKIS

With the pandemic still not having completed its cycle, the energy crisis and the jump in prices have added to a number of challenges we have to face.

22.02.2022 / 21:00

It was necessary to change the criminal law so that sentences for crimes related to sports violence were actually served. 


The main editorial{ in The Times of London on January 11, describing the case for the restitution of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece as “compelling,” marked a decided shift in the position held for several decades by the historic British paper.

21.02.2022 / 20:51

The message was clear: “No handouts without cost assessment.” This emphasis on fiscal discipline, however, seems to have not been enough to deter ministerial vacillations. 

21.02.2022 / 19:39 HANNA SHELEST

Odessa was a cradle of the Greek War of Independence. The old building of the Filiki Etairia is still open to visitors in the downtown area of the city, currently serving as the home of the Hellenic Foundation.