03.03.2022 / 22:57

In the information war, we are all at war. We are all potential victims of propaganda in a cataclysmic flow of news – and “news” – that is impossible to filter. 

03.03.2022 / 21:59 PETER SCHOOF

On February 27, 2022 the new German government decided on a historical shift of its foreign policy and security doctrine, with consequences not only for Germany but for Europe and the Western alliance at large.

03.03.2022 / 08:45 PANAGIS VOURLOUMIS

One thing is certain: The honeymoon is over for New Democracy.

02.03.2022 / 22:18

The arguments were not even absent Tuesday, during the parliamentary debate on the war in Ukraine. 

01.03.2022 / 21:15

From the very beginning, Greece has linked its membership in the European family with the prospect of creating a common foreign and defense policy. 

01.03.2022 / 17:44 MARCO VICENZINO

When considering how fluid and fast-moving the situation has become in Ukraine, the possibility of the worst-case scenario materializing, or something bordering on it, remains within the realms of reality and the possible. Predictive analysis grows increasingly more unpredictable and daunting.

01.03.2022 / 09:13

In the crucial and decisive period that we are going through now, our allies in NATO and our partners in the European Union are evaluating the stance of every country toward Ukraine, including Greece’s.

28.02.2022 / 14:42

After US President Joe Biden had made clear in his short speech last Tuesday that the United States would not go to war to defend Ukraine, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin set into motion his plan, which had long been in preparation, to invade the former Soviet republic.

26.02.2022 / 22:41

There are two dangers lurking in the global trend of rising interest rates: One is that it will halt the post-Covid economic recovery (this worries European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde, as recovery in the eurozone is still weak), and another that it will cause great damage to heavily indebted countries, companies and individuals. Greece could be affected by both.