29.03.2022 / 21:43

The interest of Greek politicians, media and citizens in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the risks it poses for all of us is understandably huge. Yet, we appear to ignore or overlook the importance of another invasion of another independent European state.

29.03.2022 / 21:10

The introduction of a digital service of process will free 1,500 police officers from this bureaucratic chore. It is another example of how easily – and at little to no cost – changes can be promoted that deliver major reforms.

29.03.2022 / 18:20 TENIA CHRISTOPOULOS

I actually remember wondering if I should get under the dining room table when the nuclear bomb would hit Washington. I was a child, of course, but old enough to feel that frigid lightening bolt of fear strike me.

28.03.2022 / 07:53

The old joke that it takes five of whatever group one wants to disparage to screw in a lightbulb – one to get on the table and hold the bulb and four to turn the table round and round – is, unfortunately, true of the Greek state in many cases.

27.03.2022 / 21:47

Every time Greece is faced with a major crisis, we ask ourselves where we belong – to the West or to the East?

27.03.2022 / 21:20

Greece recently made the strategic decision to invest in modernizing its defense. Some people had intensely challenged this decision. 

26.03.2022 / 22:16

The energy crisis has shown us that Greece needs to form a plan for becoming as self-sufficient as possible on this front, both for reasons of economic stability as well as national security.

25.03.2022 / 20:52 EMMANUEL COMTE

Before the recent reversal in German foreign policy, commentaries had presented Germany over the last weeks and months as a dangerously cowardly country, delaying a united European front against Russia.

24.03.2022 / 22:41

State officials must do everything in their power to protect society from the ongoing energy crisis. What they must not do is give in to the populist groundswell of the leftist opposition.

23.03.2022 / 22:59

Many uncertainties lie ahead, a situation which really does not help. One major uncertainty concerns the war in Ukraine.

23.03.2022 / 21:41

The Greek state has pledged to support the victims of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Good intentions are not good enough, however.