10.04.2022 / 20:00

We start with two basic assumptions. Greece is not a typical Northern or Central European country. We say this as something neither good nor bad. It just isn’t.

09.04.2022 / 20:30

On the outside, it was a worn-out, forgettable apartment building in the central Athens district of Agios Panteleimon. Small apartment, lowered shutters.

09.04.2022 / 19:30

The country is walking into a minefield of inflation caused by the war in Ukraine. However, the country’s paid off its debt to the International Monetary Fund and the chapter of enhanced supervision by European Union institutions is also closing.

08.04.2022 / 21:30

Aside from its humanitarian dimension, Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomaios’ trip to Poland to meet and provide comfort to war refugees from Ukraine was also strong in religious symbolism. The visit conveyed the message that Orthodox Christianity is united against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, while disapproving of Patriarch Kirill, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, […]

08.04.2022 / 21:15

The Ukrainian president did not flatter the Greeks with niceties and half-truths. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his nation are on the edge of the abyss. He says what he has to say.

08.04.2022 / 21:00

The person invited to speak to lawmakers in the Greek Parliament was the president of a country in the grips of a terrible war – and nobody else. Having others appear on screen was a mistake that hurt his message.

07.04.2022 / 22:00

There is mounting evidence of a recent shift in the US government’s stance toward Turkey. Objections over civil and democratic rights violations have eased, as Turkey is treated like a member of the alliance of democracies.

07.04.2022 / 18:39 JOHN A. MAZIS

Sometimes I am not sure if I became a historian because I am pessimistic by nature, or if I became pessimistic because I am a historian.

06.04.2022 / 21:00

Before it was decided by justice, it was dictated by logic: A destination cannot undergo urban development or increase tourism facilities to the point of destruction – residential and environmental.

05.04.2022 / 22:13 THEODOROS TSAKIRIS

The realization of the political constraints imposed by the EU’s over-dependence on Russian hydrocarbons on the geopolitical autonomy of European states has a profound impact on longstanding principles of the continent’s energy policy.

05.04.2022 / 21:00

The causes of the inflation driving up prices may be external, but what must certainly be held in check in the domestic framework is any effort to use global inflation as an excuse for profiteering.