18.04.2022 / 22:55 ANTONIO GUTERRES

For the people of Ukraine, the Russian invasion is a waking nightmare, and a humanitarian disaster on a terrifying scale. But the war is also fast becoming a matter of life and death for vulnerable people around the world.

18.04.2022 / 09:41 GERARD ROLAND

It is too early to tell how and when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will end, but it is not too early to ask questions about the future of Russia after Vladimir Putin’s fateful and criminal decision to invade Ukraine and annul its sovereignty.

16.04.2022 / 21:20

The concert for Ukraine was held at the Athens Concert Hall. Proceeds from the event will be used to rebuild the Mariupol maternity hospital. The Christos Lambrakis Hall was packed to capacity (1,900 seats).

16.04.2022 / 21:00

It took the perseverance and methodical work of an investigative magistrate and an expert to investigate in depth the tragedy of the dreadful 2018 wildfire in Mati, eastern Attica.

15.04.2022 / 21:30

The longer the war in Ukraine lasts, the greater the problems that it will cause in the politics, economies and societies of not only those directly involved but across the world.

15.04.2022 / 21:15

China’s leaders have a story to tell. The Communist Party, they say, leads the nation on behalf of the Chinese people, and it does so far more effectively than American and European leaders govern their own countries.

15.04.2022 / 21:00

An effort to safeguard the primary sector by furnishing farmers with a so-called “green card” subsidizing animal feed and fertilizer is a good example of the kind of safety nets that need to be created to lessen the negative impact of inflation.

13.04.2022 / 21:15

Greece is a strange country with great resilience. Back in the days of the scathing financial crisis, I was making the case to a group of European friends that if France were hit by a crisis of that magnitude, it would have to face something resembling the Storming of the Bastille all over again.

12.04.2022 / 21:15

The idea is simple: The national insurance fund, EFKA, trusts the prospective pensioner and the data he or she declares. 

11.04.2022 / 21:10

Greek history in the 20th century was intertwined with international crises that have been internalized and turned into domestic divisions.