23.04.2022 / 17:01

The war in Ukraine has naturally deflected attention away from the debate around Greece-Turkey relations, giving politically expedient pundits room to shift the debate onto the domestic agenda.

22.04.2022 / 20:03 NIKOS VETTAS

The crisis stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may drag on and take an even heavier political and social toll. But even if its impact is gradually contained, it will already be significant, at least on the economy.

22.04.2022 / 16:42

The chronic shortcomings and inefficiencies of the Greek justice system are nothing new. The political class is aware of the problems which mean that thousands of citizens and businesses end up in court every day to resolve all sorts of disputes.

21.04.2022 / 21:20

It has almost been forgotten that with an arbitrary act of practical historical “revisionism,” Hagia Sophia’s status has been brutally changed.

20.04.2022 / 21:28

Just as it was starting to look like plain sailing for Greece in 2022 with the pandemic starting to ease, tourism traffic picking up ahead of the summer and tens of billions of euros from the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility being invested in the Greek economy, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine came along, turning it all upside down.

20.04.2022 / 21:15

I’ve heard people discuss or dream of “a cream of the crop government,” meaning a government above and beyond politics that would come up with magical solutions to Greece’s problems.

20.04.2022 / 21:00

The operation of the first supervised injection site for intravenous drug users in Greece is a necessary step, primarily for the safety of the addicts themselves. 

19.04.2022 / 23:39

What were the takeaways from the recent SYRIZA congress? First, that the leader of the main opposition party, Alexis Tsipras, is not going anywhere, after some seven in 10 participants voted in favor of all his proposals and considered no one else for the role.

19.04.2022 / 21:00

Greek universities are finally doing what they need to do, taking steps that should have gone without saying.