30.04.2022 / 23:34

The war in Ukraine has demonstrated the perils of revisionist policies and of challenging borders. Turkey seems to be one of the very few states that have failed to comprehend what has changed. So Ankara continues to fuel tensions and to challenge sovereign borders and international treaties, all that amid a volatile international environment.  Greece […]

29.04.2022 / 23:00

The reactions to the operation of so-called model and experimental schools only serve to pull down the average education level. 

28.04.2022 / 21:27 TENIA CHRISTOPOULOS

I was opinionated. Tough. And naive as a teenager can be. In retrospect, I think that my mother had decided that she and my father needed a rest. (I was her fourth child, born 25 years after her first.)

28.04.2022 / 21:18

After Ukraine, it has become clear in practice how dangerous revisionism is. However, Turkey does not seem to be intimidated by the general alarm and continues to serve the same doctrine with the same delinquent and risky practices. 

27.04.2022 / 21:16

The Western objectives in the Ukraine war are far from clear. This is perhaps because there are significant disagreements between the United States and Europe.

25.04.2022 / 20:02

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a butcher and he’s destroying his people. I’m shouting this out because I believe it and I want to blow off some steam, but I am a private citizen and what I say doesn’t matter.

24.04.2022 / 23:55 DIMITRIS LINOS

The – albeit overdue – interest the country is showing in forging essential partnerships with foreign, internationally recognized universities can provide opportunities to improve how Greek universities operate.

24.04.2022 / 23:36

“What countries border the Black Sea?” the game show host asked. Africa, New Zealand, Berlin, Portugal, Italy, Germany – the players responded with a shocking ignorance not just of basic geography, but also current affairs.

24.04.2022 / 21:39

There is a real and justified anger among a large part of society. There can be no doubt about that. But then those who trade in rage come along and do what they are known for.

24.04.2022 / 21:06

This Easter is of special significance as it is the first that we will celebrate without restrictions after the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.