07.05.2022 / 22:53

A dynamic comeback of tourism in the wake of the pandemic is the strongest card in the deck for the Greek economy. It should not, however, be treated as a mere window of opportunity.

06.05.2022 / 21:16

If our cold March and relatively cool April made us wonder whether the planet really is heating up, we need only look to the East, where, since March, countries at about the same latitude as us (and some more northerly) are dealing with unusually high temperatures. 

06.05.2022 / 21:01

The energy crisis comes with a hidden opportunity: Efforts to contain soaring gas, oil and electricity rates could, at the same time, spawn a drive to remove at least some of the structural distortions which cause problems in the market.

06.05.2022 / 00:16

The Greek government’s decision to call a halt to the dialogue with Turkey in response to a barrage of airspace violations was a knee-jerk reaction intended to send a message of condemnation. Unfortunately, it was also without result.

05.05.2022 / 21:01

Picking a side is rarely an easy task. It means disappointing one side and committing to a particular course. It means putting aside tactics such as maintaining a policy of equal distances or prevarication.

04.05.2022 / 23:00

The bogging down in the judicial system of cases of great public interest, such as the 2018 tragedy in the resort of Mati, where a massive wildfire claimed 103 lives, has painful side effects.

03.05.2022 / 22:45

Its response to the pandemic and the way it rallied during the first days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine justified the optimistic belief that the European Union was able to rise to the occasion in the face of historic challenges.

03.05.2022 / 09:23 NIKOS TSAFOS

Russia’s decision to cut off natural gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria marked a turning point in this war. Until now, the gas relationship between Europe and Russia was relatively unaffected by the conflict.