12.05.2022 / 21:15

Speaking at the recent New Democracy congress, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis reiterated the aim for his party to form a government by itself after the next general election.

12.05.2022 / 11:56

Almost 180,000 voters turned up to the Movement for Change (KINAL) polls on Sunday (voting to rebrand the centrist alliance as PASOK-KINAL), confirming the enduring appeal of the party that governed Greece for more than two decades and its ability to raise expectations.

12.05.2022 / 09:08

An initiative that would bring together the disparate forces of Hellenism so that Greece could support Greeks across the world and they, in turn – connected at the core and to each other – could strengthen the country’s voice and the prospects of Greeks is something of a perennial demand.

10.05.2022 / 23:48

The recent attack on the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki by a large and seemingly organized group of sledgehammer-wielding vandals confirms that the break from violence at Greek campuses was more due to a lull caused by the pandemic.

10.05.2022 / 22:19

It is usually the work of prophets and false prophets to herald the end of days, invoking some nightmarish vision or some ancient apocryphal text they were finally able to crack.

09.05.2022 / 16:28 ENDY ZEMENIDES

After years of deteriorating relations between the United States and Turkey, there is a concerted effort to promote a new narrative on US-Turkey relations in Washington, DC.

09.05.2022 / 09:57 GEOFFROY ROUX DE BEZIEUX

Today marks the beginning of the French business mission to Athens led by the president of the French Business Confederation (MEDEF), together with its international branch, MEDEF International.

08.05.2022 / 22:22

We live in a time when ideologies and prepackaged formulas for governance are dead. The pandemic and the tsunami of inflation have proved, internationally, that major crises require changes and thinking outside the box.

08.05.2022 / 21:54

It is an old axiom that the country needs a good opposition as much as it needs a good government. Gone are the days when the opposition could simply bide its time.