23.05.2022 / 17:22

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ trip to Washington, DC and his virtuoso performances in multiple settings could not have come at a better time.

23.05.2022 / 16:39

It was June 6, 1867 as Greek Ambassador to Washington Rizos Rangavis wore his most official attire to present his credentials to US President Andrew Johnson, who had just taken over following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

23.05.2022 / 00:29

If the West has learned anything from Ukraine, if it has any understanding of the escalation and the bloody outcome of Russia’s revisionist outlook, it must react swiftly and decisively to its ally Turkey’s recent actions.

23.05.2022 / 00:07

We often talk about the Rafale jets, submarines, F-16s and other assets of the Greek arsenal, but overlook the greatest weapon we have – and one that Turkey can never obtain, no matter what it does.

22.05.2022 / 23:52

Highlighting Greece’s role as a reliable partner and effective ally in a turbulent region where geopolitical connections and major interests are at stake, as well as the historic ties between Greece and the US were the key parameters of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ recent visit to the Washington.

21.05.2022 / 23:00

The economic crisis left gaps in the country’s defense that demand to be covered as a matter of priority through major modernization programs.

20.05.2022 / 20:00

Having switched back to their old name but with a new leadership in place, the once-dominant PASOK socialists will have an opportunity to clarify their policy program at the upcoming party congress.

19.05.2022 / 21:36 MANOS KARAGIANNIS

The actions of the big powers have a fundamental impact on the shape of the international system.

19.05.2022 / 21:33

A lot is said every so often about the role and influence of the Greek diaspora, and given that the United States is the most powerful nation in the world right now, it’s no surprise that in that context it is the Greek-American community that is getting much of the attention.

19.05.2022 / 13:06 TENIA CHRISTOPOULOS

The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of all developed countries in the world. It also has 57 times as many school shootings as the other major industrialized nations combined.

18.05.2022 / 22:51

Apart from its historic significance, the Greek prime minister’s address to a Joint Meeting of the US Congress on Tuesday was also very effective in terms of promoting Greece’s image to the world.

18.05.2022 / 22:40

Greece’s solid commitment to Western values and the straightforward manner in which it throws its weight behind these values, now that they are being tested, also comes with a reward.