21.06.2022 / 21:00

The results of the French elections can be interpreted as a warning sign for the situation in Greece. Most importantly, the low voter turnout tells us that polarization does not rally citizens.

21.06.2022 / 10:18

At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama eulogized Elie Wiesel as “one of the great moral voices of our time, and in many ways, the conscience of the world.”

20.06.2022 / 21:30 CONSTANTINOS FILIS

This summer, for the first time in many years, the omens concerning Greek-Turkish relations are particularly gloomy. There are many objective reasons why Turkey causing a heated incident is not the most likely scenario.

20.06.2022 / 18:17

The government is expected to announce its strategy to reduce household spending on electricity from July onward. There are two plans on the table.

20.06.2022 / 07:06 PETROS G. MOLYVIATIS

Veteran diplomat and politician Petros Molyviatis has penned an open letter to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg over the latter’s recent urging of Greece and Turkey to settle their differences.

19.06.2022 / 22:15

Let’s fast-forward developments in America a bit and skip to the fact that the Democrats will most likely lose control of the House – perhaps in spectacular fashion too – and Speaker Nancy Pelosi will retire to California.

19.06.2022 / 21:50

Greece has definitely entered a pre-election period, and it is a good thing that the prime minister and several members of his cabinet are determined to complete the reforms they set out to achieve.

18.06.2022 / 21:17

Blighted by wildfires last year, northern Evia serves well for exercises in populism. Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras’ visit to the area on Thursday failed to bring any comfort to the people there, as he settled for bandying about the usual oppositional repertory.

18.06.2022 / 21:00

The Turkish defense services have a pre-recorded message that they often broadcast to warn Greek helicopters or ships that they are allegedly violating Turkish sovereign territory.

17.06.2022 / 22:16 ELIAS HADJIKOUMIS

The post-Soviet region is known for turbulent internal and external political processes. The hotspots inherited by states after the collapse of the Soviet Union remain to this day, and are hindering stability in this region.

17.06.2022 / 21:55

Independent authorities exist for one reason only: to be independent. And this is because the interests of ministers, MPs and other officials tend to diverge from those of citizens, and often in an opaque manner.

17.06.2022 / 21:40 ALEXANDROS P. MALLIAS

Back in February 2022, two days before Russia invaded Ukraine, I had written about the need to safeguard international law and the European equilibrium; more specifically, Article 2 (war or the threat of war) of the United Nations Charter, as well as the Helsinki Final Act that is so fundamental to European security and cooperation and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe.