28.06.2022 / 17:24 STATHIS N. KALYVAS

In a recent article in Kathimerini, a team of respected scientists recommended the introduction of open workshops at universities that would allow students to develop skills in areas such as robotics. Essentially this means cultivating a culture of creativity, innovation and invention.

27.06.2022 / 21:00 JEFFREY D. SACHS

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

27.06.2022 / 17:21 DR GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULOS

The visit of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Rome took place at an awkward moment for Italian politics.

27.06.2022 / 13:02 CHRISTOS ZAFIRIS

Thessaloniki was the Sephardic Jews’ Mediterranean metropolis. They found a welcoming anchorage here when they were chased out of Spain in 1492.

26.06.2022 / 22:13

A good friend who has lived and read history noticed something while reading an old edition of Kathimerini. I confess that I could not believe it, no matter how many times I read it: August 30, 1921.

25.06.2022 / 21:21

Yes, booster shots against Covid-19 are recommended but they are not necessary. Yes, people over the age of 60 should have all the available boosters, but they can wait a bit.

25.06.2022 / 21:21

Governing a country is a mission that is fraught with complexity. We made the mistake in the past of electing charismatic leaders in the belief that they would solve all of our problems in some magical way.

25.06.2022 / 21:00

The issue of finding affordable housing has become a very real challenge for young families starting out in life, as rental rates in Athens and other cities have risen.

24.06.2022 / 21:16

The hearings of the House Committee investigating the events that led to the insurrection of January 6, 2021, have highlighted the efforts of Donald Trump to overturn the victory of Joe Biden.

24.06.2022 / 21:00

Recent data regarding expenditure for medicines show that the overall cost has not gone down. It simply appears to have been transferred from the state budget to the patients.

23.06.2022 / 21:42 ANGELOS CHANIOTIS

According to an anecdote known in several variations, some people debate what would have changed in the history of the world if Khrushchev had been assassinated in 1963 instead of Kennedy.

23.06.2022 / 21:00

The European Union has a strategic policy of maintaining a stance of ambivalence on many different issues. Among them, it has managed to keep the countries of the Western Balkans on hold.

22.06.2022 / 22:53

The changes brought about by the bill on universities have found a positive response in a large part of society. 

22.06.2022 / 18:22

If this isn’t political shortsightedness, I don’t know what is: There are parties in Greece that are celebrating because French President Emmanuel Macron’s party did not win an absolute majority in last Sunday’s second round of legislative elections.