02.07.2022 / 21:40

Is it because we always look for the good version of the story, the “fairy tale” with the happy end? Is it because positive examples, at least in the way the media sees them, are few?

02.07.2022 / 21:00

Greece’s seas are full of plastic and garbage. It is as if we don’t realize of how much value they are to the country, as if we don’t understand that we have an obligation to protect them. 

01.07.2022 / 22:43

Our neighbor Bulgaria is languishing in an endless political crisis, from which the way out is not quite visible. A few days ago, the pro-Western coalition government of Kiril Petkov collapsed, taking with it his vision of reform.

01.07.2022 / 22:27 TENIA CHRISTOPOULOS

It has been 100 years since my father and his family left the beautiful Bosporus in Constantinople. No one likes to suddenly leave their home, but they had been included in the “exchange of populations,” as it was quaintly called, between Turkey and Greece.

01.07.2022 / 21:33

Covid-19 remains an insidious and dangerous disease. We all want to leave it behind for the reason that it has ruined our lives over the two-plus years of the pandemic. 

01.07.2022 / 21:17

At the NATO Summit in Madrid, when Turkey agreed to the future accession of Sweden and Finland, Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not look like a man who had triumphed after keeping the military alliance hostage for several weeks.

30.06.2022 / 22:48

Every single reasonable person in this country spent this period seven years ago in a state of shock. The reason was not only the existential crisis of the referendum called by the SYRIZA-Independent Greeks government that would effectively determine whether the country would remain in the eurozone.

30.06.2022 / 21:00

Establishing the institution of family doctor may form the foundation for restructuring and modernizing the National Health System. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it is the flaws and shortcomings of this system.

29.06.2022 / 21:00

Something is changing in the management of forest firefighting. The government ensured the presence of a special force of European forest rangers throughout the summer. 

29.06.2022 / 19:15 EVANGELOS APOSTOLAKIS

Over the past few weeks, the Turkish leadership has been putting forward a series of unconscionable, historically flawed and extremely dangerous theories, which are aimed at undermining Greece’s position in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

28.06.2022 / 21:16

They are our closest relative, sharing 98.6% of our DNA. They use similar gestures to us (they hug and kiss) and have similar behavior (discipline and social structure) and emotions (sadness, joy and pain).

28.06.2022 / 21:00

The shortage of affordable, decent – or even any – housing for people working in the tourism sector on Greece’s islands is a well-known problem.