15.07.2022 / 21:20

Who doesn’t love children? In which heart, in which culture do we not find the instinct for parents to care for their offspring with tenderness, hope and self-sacrifice?

15.07.2022 / 21:00

Italy’s relapse into a crisis of governance is an indirect warning signal. It’s practical proof that fragmented parliaments and coalition government structures are themselves a source of instability.

15.07.2022 / 16:00

Boris Johnson was a political phenomenon. Narcissistic. Opportunistic. A natural rebel and a divisive figure. A populist. No other British leader in recent times has been so frequently identified simply by his first name. In the end, his political career finished rather like it had begun.

14.07.2022 / 21:30

The displaying of a map showing many Greek islands, including Crete, as Turkish, by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s nationalist ally Devlet Bahceli, is obviously a particularly provocative action that angers Greece. In the battle of public relations, however, it strengthens its position.

13.07.2022 / 21:30

A section of Greece’s elected politicians continue to behave as if they never suffered through the experience of seeing the country go into default. They insist on employing the same bigoted language that transforms political debate into hostile behavior. The good news is that public language of that sort is no longer mainstream. And politicians […]

12.07.2022 / 22:59

The summer school launched by the University of Athens in collaboration with Harvard is a model for the direction that Greek higher education institutions should be taking. 

12.07.2022 / 19:01

At the end of 2014 things were pretty much as described by the vice-president of the former SYRIZA-Independent Greeks government coalition, Yannis Dragasakis, in his recent article “The truth about 2015” (in Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper, published on July 9.).

12.07.2022 / 18:09 ANDREW LIVERIS

It was nearly 10 years ago when I flew to Athens together with US President Bill Clinton and a group of friends, united for a common cause. At the time, Greece was in crisis and a newly elected government was in power.

11.07.2022 / 20:30

The country had already started entering pre-election fever mode when the prime minister made his intention to see through the four-year term clear.