22.07.2022 / 21:00

Combating this week’s wildfire in Mount Penteli came with a high difficulty level, mainly because of adverse weather conditions: dry, hot and with strong winds. Nevertheless, the state apparatus stepped up to the task. Its reaction showed that it has built up considerable experience from previous mistakes and remedied much of the shortcomings in terms […]

21.07.2022 / 21:00

This could serve as a short summary of the problems with Greek agricultural production: Two-thirds of Greek olive oil is exported in bulk to Italy, where it is bottled and sold at much higher prices. 

20.07.2022 / 22:35

Neither Finland nor Sweden agreed to change their legislation (regarding the Kurds or any other aspect) as a result of the negotiation and agreement with Turkey.

20.07.2022 / 21:22

Beyond personal opinions, beyond individual life choices, beyond the wonderful condition of being complex, contradictory and fluid beings, it seems that in our times, what is important is the banner that we will hasten to unfurl and the camp that we will choose to support on a whim.

20.07.2022 / 21:00

The data on the shortage of decent and affordable student housing has once again brought the issue of rising rent rates back into focus. 

19.07.2022 / 21:12

Given the volatile environment in Greek-Turkish relations, there is a need to maintain (or create if needed) workable channels of communication between Athens and Ankara. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s insistence on snubbing Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis should not be allowed to bring bilateral ties to a halt. Neither side stands to gain from such an […]

19.07.2022 / 20:10

Strong-arm tactics and attributing outrageous motives to commentators is a toxic attempt to suppress press freedom.

18.07.2022 / 22:09 PAVLOS APOSTOLIDIS

It was approximately 5.20 a.m. on the morning of July 20, 1974, when I was awakened by the ring of a telephone in my home in Nicosia. The correspondent of the Athens News Agency, and my personal friend, Georgios ‘Kokkos’ Leonidas wished me good morning and advised that I look out the window. The sky […]

18.07.2022 / 18:00

The mother of all battles has begun in the US Congress over the sale of F-16 fighter jets and modernization kits to NATO ally Turkey. It will not be an easy one.

18.07.2022 / 17:41

The mission of judges has become very difficult nowadays. Amid an angry and divided society and a highly polarized political landscape, judges are called upon to make decisions on high-profile cases that are laden with ulterior motives. 

18.07.2022 / 11:12 CONSTANTINOS FILIS

There has been a marked strain in Greek-Russian relations ever since Athens signed the Prespes Agreement with North Macedonia in 2018. In the meantime, Russia came to terms with the fact that Greece belongs in the Western camp since the 2014 Crimean War and adjusted accordingly.

18.07.2022 / 10:36

Amid the controversy over the remodeling of Eleftherias (Freedom) Square in the northern port city of Thessaloniki, Giorgos Ioannou’s short story “The Elimination of the Jews,” from the collection “Our Own Blood” (Kedros Editions, 1980), is a must.

16.07.2022 / 21:28

Manos Matsaganis, a professor of public finance at the Polytechnic University of Milan who has been living abroad for years, never ceases to be surprised by developments in other countries and saddened when comparing them to Greece.