29.07.2022 / 21:49

As the pace slows down and summer enters the final stretch, we are reminded of how violently last August’s usual sense of calm was disrupted by the devastating wildfires in northern Evia (not to mention other parts of the country).

29.07.2022 / 21:00

Thursday’s decision by the government to withdraw parts of the environmental bill affecting the status of Greek areas protected under the European Union’s Nature 2000 network marks a very positive development.

29.07.2022 / 10:38

High goals had been set from the beginning: to be at the forefront of European countries in the development of renewable energy sources (RES). The truth is that priority had been given to closing lignite units and we ended up setting targets that were more ambitious than Germany’s.

29.07.2022 / 08:13 MANOS KARAGIANNIS

Recent reports have detailed Turkey’s efforts to acquire new and upgraded F-16 fighter jets from the United States. After the 2016 attempted coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s air force has been clouded in deep uncertainty.

28.07.2022 / 23:00

The energy crisis we are experiencing is a global problem, not just a Greek one. The causes of this crisis are not to be found in the Greek market, and neither is the solution. But what can and must at least be ensured is the transparency of the charges and the observance of basic trading […]

27.07.2022 / 21:47

Watching the TV debate between Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss for the Tory leadership I could not help but ask myself how the political life of a great country like Britain, a country with solid institutions, strong social reflexes and a great history, could possibly come to be dominated by personalities of the caliber of Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and David Cameron.

27.07.2022 / 08:13

The once-strong presence of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki and its economic, social and cultural contributions over the centuries, is part of the multicultural footprint of the nation’s second largest city.

26.07.2022 / 21:27

Mount Penteli, Lesvos, Ilia, Rethymno, Messinia, Halkidiki, Dadia…Has the whole country turned into a torch that lights up with the smallest spark and only goes out when it has been reduced to ashes?

26.07.2022 / 21:00

The subject of the bill was perfect for achieving consent. Who can, in good faith, argue against the adoption of new technologies? 

25.07.2022 / 20:00

The case for snap polls was strong, especially as the country seemed to have entered a possibly prolonged pre-election period, with the government bearing much of the blame for this.

23.07.2022 / 21:30

The climate crisis is making itself apparent in unprecedented ways. What is required in these unpredictable conditions is that the services of the state can evolve and adapt to new risks.