03.08.2022 / 21:02

A tough winter lies ahead, but the country is not without its defenses. The strong performance of the tourism industry leaves some room for measures designed to protect the more vulnerable members of society.

02.08.2022 / 22:07 NIKOS TSAFOS

The recent decision reached by the European Union’s energy ministers for the upcoming winter represents a landmark for Europe’s energy security.

02.08.2022 / 21:00

A number of femicides over the past few days serve as yet another reminder of the failure of the authorities to cultivate and develop the reflexes and responses that may have allowed them to save the lives of these women.

02.08.2022 / 07:36 REV. JOHN CHRYSSAVGIS

Earlier this month, a storm – unwarranted, malevolent – brewed up after Archbishop Elpidophoros, the head of the Greek Orthodox Church of America, visited Greece and while there baptized two children brought into the world through surrogacy to be raised by a gay couple.

01.08.2022 / 17:21

The recent commemoration of the 48th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus is a dark reminder that a solution is long overdue.

01.08.2022 / 10:06 THANOS VEREMIS

An article by Admiral Alexandros Diakopoulos, the former national security adviser to the Greek prime minister, and Nikos Stournaras, research assistant at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), titled “Turkey’s quest for strategic autonomy,” is a much-needed surprise for those who rely on Greece’s allies at a difficult time.

01.08.2022 / 08:48

If over 30 years ago the Soviet Union was the “Evil Empire” which systematically planned the destabilization of Western Europe by utilizing the services of the communist parties of Europe and the broader Left, today it is the Right that is accused by democratic forces of being the bearer of the interests of Russia and and its president, Vladimir Putin.

31.07.2022 / 22:00

Athens has taken significant steps to demonstrate that the problems on its borders are not only bilateral, but that revisionism is a threat to the security of the West as a whole. 

30.07.2022 / 21:22

It takes a deadly traffic accident next door, on the island where we’re vacationing, to remind us of the scale of the tragedy unfolding on the country’s roads every single year.

30.07.2022 / 21:00

The recent malfunctions and service interruptions on the national rail network serve as a fresh reminder that rail transport continues to be a lost opportunity in Greece.

30.07.2022 / 18:29

Thirty years ago, the Soviet empire collapsed, in large part because many within its orbit believed Western-style democracy and rule of law were superior to Soviet Communism.