Immunity from bills as well?

Some things that are just so obvious to everyone in other countries – such as, say, paying your telephone bill – are still a matter for debate in this country, but any reasonable citizen can see that there is nothing else to do but applaud the decision by OTE telecom’s management to demand that all outstanding bills – estimated to be well in excess of 200 million euros – be settled in full and that further losses to the company be avoided. It is surprising and dismaying to see that the the worst customers named by OTE are members of Parliament and businesses involved in the media, and this inevitably gives rise to two questions: Firstly, does the fact that they have been allowed to get away with non-payment of their bills for so long mean that certain people are immune from meeting such responsibilities as well as all the other privileges they enjoy? And, secondly, if our political machine cannot keep its own house in order, or at least make sure that the affairs of its offices are in order, then how far can we trust it to put the affairs of the entire country in order?

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