MARCH 21-22, 1952

COMPETITION BETWEEN USA AND BRITAIN: Paris, 20 (From our correspondent S. Theodorou) – The European press continues to carry analyses of the reasons for the political confusion and governmental instability in Greece and the resulting, unjustified tension between the Greek government and the US Embassy in Athens. The French weekly review Nations Tribune attributes the Greek political crisis to competition between Britain and the US in the Mediterranean and Middle East. It said the British were not in favor of Field Marshal Papagos, as they wanted Lord Mountbatten to be commander of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Gen. (Dwight) Eisenhower’s private conversation with Papagos, said the magazine, had gone beyond purely military matters. «The Plastiras-Venizelos government would not dare go against American instructions if it had not already secured Britain’s undivided support,» it said. BRITISH DIPLOMAT: Even if Mr Reginald Leeper’s visit is unofficial, it is related to political developments in Athens. During the war, Mr Leeper was British ambassador to the Greek government in exile in the Middle East. It would not be violating the rules of hospitality to say that the Greek public does not have good memories of the part he played in implementing his country’s policy against Greece.

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