MARCH 14, 1952

PEURIFOY OPPOSES PROPORTIONAL SYSTEM: An attempt by certain members of the government to restore the simple proportional electoral system foundered yesterday. (…) According to confirmed reports, the issue was raised at a meeting yesterday morning between US Ambassador John Peurifoy and Acting Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos. Mr Peurifoy’s reply to the prime minister was not recorded. However, he reportedly expressed his views on the issue in a response to questions by American journalists in Athens, during a reception for them at the US Embassy. Mr Peurifoy replied that the simple proportional system would undoubtedly exacerbate the already existing political instability in Greece, and would have further painful consequences for the economy, in which the Americans continue to be interested, given the millions of dollars they spend in the country every year. TOMATOES: The first tomatoes appeared in the market, though at 16,000 drachmas per oka (1.2 kilos). At one time tomatoes only appeared in Athens in the first heat of summer. Now they are the heralds of spring.

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