Postal blues the latest cloud

I was absolutely stunned by your report on the Greek Postal Services fine of 200,000 euros for late delivery of the mail (March 1) – in fact you reported that it was the third time it was fined in the last two years. I honestly thought the postal system was the «only» thing that did work in Greece and now I discover, even that doesn’t work. Earlier in the week you reported that the European Union has fined Greece yet again for the illegal operation of six more landfills in Attica, only to be later clarified by a university professor that the number of illegal garbage dumps is closer to 3,000 – not six. Now if you add in the number of villages that dump their raw sewage in the open countryside, often alongside the illegal garbage dumps and/or worse – directly into the sea as they do here in Demos Eleutheron, the illegal dump numbers are much larger. I also read about Olympic Airlines that flies in the face of reality, and the pending EU investigation of illegal subsidies by the government; the 2004 Olympics and all the taxpayers’ money that is being misspent on an increasingly doubtful venue; the growing backlog of IKA visitors; and the list just gets longer and longer every day – does anything work here? I am beginning to think Greece is the Enron of the European Union. They have managed to conceal a massive amount of debt while showing low inflation and high GDP. Will there be a massive implosion or just a continued cover-up until the opposition takes over and gets all the blame? One benefit is that we are safely in the eurozone now and have the comfort of all those euros from our neighbors to the west.

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