June 10, 1956

EVANGELOS AVEROFF: Paris, 9 – The newspaper Le Monde has published an interview with Greece’s new foreign minister, Mr Evangelos Averoff. The minister, replying to a question on the Cyprus issue, said the following: «The determined stance of the government of Constantine Karamanlis on this issue has always been well defined and the policy is very simple: Our brothers, the Cypriots, whose centuries-old national identity, religion, language and sentiments are equal to the culture of any other European nation, are claiming the right to self-determination. We are implacable in our determination to help them in every legal way. Nevertheless, because the issue has other facets, we are willing to accept any solution that will totally satisfy the legal interests of minorities, as well as the security interests of our allies, a solution that will allow the Cypriots to determine in due course the destiny of their island (…)» JULIEN BENDA: Paris, 8 – The Jewish writer Julien Benda, who was French to his very bones, has died in a suburb of Paris at the age of 90. Benda became famous in 1927 as the author of the book «La trahison des clercs.»

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