MARCH 2, 1952

EIGHT SENTENCED TO DEATH: The Athens Military Court yesterday retired at 9.25 a.m. while all those accused of espionage were taken back to prison under heavy military guard. After three hours of deliberations, the court reconvened and as an army unit presented arms, the court president announced his ruling. Nikolaos Beloyiannis and Ilias Argyriadis each received a death sentence. Also sentenced to death were Elli Ioannidou, Nikolaos Kaloumenos, Philippos Lazaridis, Dimitris Batsis, Michalis Bisbianos and Haralambos Touliatos. (…) Batsis’s lawyer asked the court to delay his client’s execution until the law on «peace measures» was passed. The court unanimously rejected the defense’s appeal. The court was then adjourned and the royal deputy commissioner, Mr Evangelinidis, (…) went to the prison and informed the accused of the ruling. REACTIONS: EPEK deputies and «people’s» committees asked the prime minister not to carry out the court’s decision. COMMENT: (From a commentary in Kathimerini) «…During the trial it was evident that the extent of the espionage network in Greece is terrifying. Does the government still believe that on the one hand it can give communism free rein to act against the country and on the other hand try spies in court? With the ongoing clemency measures, the 29 convicted of espionage will become thousands.

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