On behalf of the people

Let’s consider some facts and assumptions about US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s short visit to Athens yesterday. The overwhelming majority of the Greek people opposed the military campaigns in Serbia and Iraq and are against a new conflict in Iran. Furthermore, criticism is targeted against US policies and should not be interpreted as blanket anti-Americanism. Greece does not have the leverage to influence the decisions of the global superpower. Finally – and as a basic principle – a country’s foreign policy is designed in accordance with the national interest. Of course, the Greek people have every right to voice their anti-war sentiment on the occasion of Rice’s visit. But no political party, political organization or citizen group can substitute foreign policy. Which is exactly what the Greek Communist Party (KKE), Synaspismos Left Coalition and other left-wing groups tried to do in demanding the cancellation of the visit and dictating the stance that the Greek government must take on Iran, Iraq and Palestine. In other words, these left-wing parties are trying to hijack public anti-war sentiment by demonstrating on its behalf. Because of past mistakes, Greek leftists do not have the credentials to dictate the course in foreign policy. More importantly, both mainstream parties, which represent 90 percent of Greek voters, have adopted the same policy. If most people thought the basic principles of foreign policy should be opposition to the Serbia or Iraq campaigns then KKE and Synaspismos would garner more than a paltry 3 to 4 percent of votes. The Greek people are aware that foreign policy is a complex matter. It demands concessions and flexibility. Fanaticism and intolerance do not advance the national interest. Foreign policy is quite different from street demonstrations.

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