Record forestland to avoid its doom

Discussion is due to begin after Easter on amendments to Article 24 of the Constitution, which concerns the protection of forests. However, the Greek State does not appear to know which forests it is supposed to be protecting or even where exactly they are located. Since there are still no forest maps for 94 percent of the country, contractors and land-grabbers are able to encroach on public land almost at will. In addition, major projects are often delayed because doubts are always raised about land ownership status. For these problems, you can blame the still-unfinished land register. The project began in 1996, instigated by the PASOK government in power at the time. However, many years and many millions of euros in misspent European Union funding later, only 15 percent of the register is complete. As indicated, the lack of a forest register creates numerous problems. Investments in tourist areas do not go ahead, large public works stagnate, and the demand for land on which to build houses is satisfied at a grave environmental cost. Meanwhile, the state is constantly at odds with citizens’ groups and organizations, some of which want to build on the land and some of which want to protect it. In the absence of definite forest maps, everyone defends what they see as their rights by resorting to local legend, anecdotal evidence and titles of dubious legitimacy. This situation must be cleared up at once. Although compiling the register in urban areas brings in revenue for the state, the forestland register should be expedited. Thousands of hectares have been lost already and the fate of many more is in serious jeopardy. There is no excuse for any further destruction. We must record what forest wealth we still have left in order to protect it.

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