April 12, 1956

GREECE-USA: Washington, 12 – The State Department issued the following announcements today: «The State Department denies press reports from Athens to the effect that the United States has asked Greece’s permission to send 1,000 American marines to the Mediterranean island of Crete.» According to the reports, the marines were to take action in the Middle East in the event of an outbreak of war there. The State Department spokesman, Mr White, did not however deny the possibility of sending a certain number of marines to Crete within the framework of NATO military exercises in the Mediterranean. In fact, he added that it was very likely that American troops would receive permission to spend a few days ashore in Crete. Later, the Defense Ministry announced that the US had asked for permission to use the bases in Crete and to put marines ashore there temporarily in order to carry out amphibious exercises early next month. IDEA: The Liberals’ leader, Mr George Papandreou, said yesterday he believed the IDEA (Sacred Bond of Greek Officers) group continued to exist despite the assurances otherwise of the defense minister.

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