A conflict without any real substance

The parliamentary debate on the economy scheduled for tomorrow will, once again, provide an opportunity for a clash between political leaders – particularly between Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis and PASOK leader George Papandreou – as was the case a couple of weeks ago during a debate about regional development. But tomorrow’s focus on the economy offers fertile ground for a sharp exchange of accusations. The government, led by PM Karamanlis, will undoubtedly reiterate its harsh criticism of the «creative accounting» of Costas Simitis’s governments, defend the fiscal audit it carried out after coming to power and stress that a policy of «gentle adjustment» has been bearing fruit without creating social tensions and unfavorable repercussions. Karamanlis’s speech is expected to focus on reforms implemented by the government and their contribution toward purging excesses in the economy, but also to helping society as a whole, including the poorer social groups. Meanwhile, Papandreou is expected to direct harsh criticism against the audit, defend Simitis’s achievements and blast the government for fueling public insecurity through its choices and favoring only the relatively wealthy. The fact that there are really no significant differences between the economic policy of the two main parties will not hinder a head-on clash between them. Indeed the very lack of any real distinctions in policy make it very likely that both sides will resort to various rhetorical, and television-friendly, flourishes to make some sort of impression.

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