The new challenge

The outcome of our gamble with globalization is still to be determined. Economies and societies around the world face constant challenges within this new environment, in direct proportion to the stance and power they held 15 years ago, when the trend really got under way. The overall impact of the operation of a global marketplace is not yet clear. However, the evidence so far indicates that so-called globalization leads neither to an idyllic situation nor to worldwide collapse. There are indications that, despite the perpetuation of major inequalities and excessive profits for those in power, poverty is generally diminishing thanks to impressive technological progress and the creation of new growth mechanisms in the world’s economies. In our country, where there is no shortage of organizational shortcomings, oversimplification and political dogmatism, the time has come for those in power to seriously assess the realities of our era. Things are already complex and will become more so for those who remain passively stuck in the past rather than accepting the new reality with vigor and force. The new era has created new social problems but also brings new possibilities for boosting production, sharpening the tools at our disposal as well as choosing new political and financial approaches and adopting new visionary outlooks. It is imperative that Greek politicians abandon the simplistic rhetoric of old and dare to take risks and work toward building a new foundation for society. Inactivity will merely make the forces of globalization seem more massive and threatening.

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