Develop Greece with free zones

Officials’ speeches are frequently peppered with proclamations about the dynamic role being sought for the Greek economy as the gateway to the Balkans, to Southeastern Europe, to the Black Sea and to other Mediterranean states. Promoting Greece as a protagonist in the region’s development is a national goal that, despite some progress, remains unrealized. It is still just wishful thinking, not because of a lack of will but because of a lack of systematic preparation. Without the appropriate initiatives, the Greek economy is not in a position to exploit the advantages offered by the country’s geographical position and its entry to the eurozone. The drafting of zoning plans, both a general one and for special uses, is an important opportunity that should not be wasted. The proposal should provide for free business zones which, with the appropriate infrastructure, could create a new dynamism in the economy. New free zones in ports close to industrial areas, at borders or next to road and rail arteries, even on some islands, could be established for the storage, distribution and manufacture of products originating in third countries. It is clear that businesses within these zones will provide jobs and income for the broader region and revenue for the state coffers. The idea is a simple one, but its effectiveness depends on the way it is carried out. It could be a strong development tool if tax breaks and other incentives are provided for businesses investing in these areas. However, what is important is to avoid past mistakes such as the announcement of free zones like the Astakos Shipping and Industrial Zone without the proper infrastructure. It is clear that a free zone without easy access to transport and ready links to electricity, natural gas and water utilities are not places that will attract business.

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