April 4, 1956

CHANGES IN COMMUNIST PARTIES: London, 2 – Following the denouncement of Stalin, Belgrade foresees important developments, not only within Russia itself and its satellite states, but in the communist parties in the West. REMOVAL OF ZACHARIADIS: Radio Bucharest, as well as all other stations controlled by communists, confirmed yesterday that Nikos Zachariadis has been deposed as leader of the Communist Party of Greece, as he is considered responsible for the party’s failures in Greece. No indication of Zachariadis’s fate was provided. According to a reliable source, he was last seen in Vienna on the eve of the Greek elections on February 19. GERASIMOS ARSENIS: Paris, 4 – During the celebrations for the NATO alliance’s seventh anniversary yesterday, the alliance’s secretary-general, Lord Ismay, announced the names of the winners of the competition for the first scholarships to be funded by NATO. Among the winners is Mr Gerasimos D. Arsenis, of the National Bank of Greece and of Athens, who has been awarded a one-year scholarship.

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