April 3, 1956

SEFERIS – PANAGIOTOPOULOS: Greece’s new consul general in Beirut, the poet George Seferis, who is currently in Athens for professional reasons, met with fellow poet I.M. Panayiotopoulos two evenings ago in the bar of the Greek capital’s Grande Bretagne Hotel. The meeting was arranged by a well-known critic for an Athens daily newspaper. The two men agreed that what had divided them in the past was now water under the bridge, particularly in view of the problems currently faced by the Greek people. REMOVAL OF ZAHARIADIS: Radio Bucharest, as well as all other stations controlled by communists, confirmed yesterday that Nikos Zahariadis has been deposed as leader of the Communist Party of Greece, as he was considered responsible for the party’s failures in Greece. No indication of Zahariadis’s fate was provided. According to a reliable source, he was seen in Vienna on the eve of the Greek elections of February 19. Others say he left Vienna for Tashkent, where he tried to address the Greek outlaws living there, but was struck on the head by a stone during a scuffle.

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