Politicians: Is decency too much to ask for?

Politicians: Is decency too much to ask for?

American politics today is steeped in toxicity, a mire that seems only to deepen as time goes on. The rancor and divisiveness that dominate the discourse are eroding the very fabric of our nation. It’s not that America itself is in decline – our potential remains boundless, and our spirit unbreakable – but the caliber of those who seek to lead us has faltered.

We find ourselves yearning for leadership who can restore faith in the American dream, who can offer a vision of hope and optimism that transcends the bitterness of the current moment much like Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama did.

America’s strength lies in its people. We have had leaders in the past that have spoken to that strength, encouraging us to believe in ourselves and in each other. Today, we need a leader like that, who can rise above the fray, who can bring us together instead of drive us apart. Someone who can rekindle the belief that our best days are still ahead of us, not behind. America deserves leaders who inspire, not degrade; who build, not tear down; who tell the truth, and not lie to us when the truth is obvious.

The time has come to reject the politics of despair and embrace a future filled with hope and possibility. The question is, given the choice between Vice President Kamala Harris or former president Donald Trump, who has the vision, the courage and the decency to lead us there? It’s important and time is running out.

This article was originally published on the digital news site Nea Proini.

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