Desalination or dams quandary in water debate

Desalination or dams quandary in water debate

Greece is grappling with severe water shortages, particularly on its islands and experts are debating different solutions, with some advocating for desalination and others for dams.

Alexandros Yfantis, CEO of leading desalinator Sychem, criticizes the government’s reactive approach, noting that desalination units are often not properly maintained, leading to frequent breakdowns. He urges long-term planning and proper oversight of equipment to avoid wasteful spending.

Yannis Katsoyiannis, a professor at Thessaloniki University and director of the Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Law of Water at the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), proposes a combination of desalination, renewable energy and improved infrastructure. He stresses that water losses on islands can reach up to 60% due to leaky networks. He also advocates for reusing treated wastewater in agriculture to combat drought and water scarcity.

The government is exploring large-scale projects, including dams and desalination, but experts warn that without a coordinated, forward-looking strategy, the country’s water crisis will continue.

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