Wildfire nightmare returns

Wildfire nightmare returns

Local residents put out a fire in a house in the settlement of Kitsi, after a fire that broke out on Varis-Koropiou Avenue in northern Attica.

Wednesday was a very difficult day on the fire front as the first large and dangerous fires of the summer started in different areas. In Attica, the fire that worried the Fire Service most was the one that started on the Vari-Koropi highway at noon.

In total, according to Fire Service data, one fire broke out every 10 minutes from noon onward in conditions of drought, high temperatures and winds with gusts of 8 and even 9 Beaufort. The number of fires recorded on Wednesday stood at 62. Of these, 46 were immediately controlled at their initial stage, while firefighting forces were operating until late afternoon with fire fronts in 16 areas of the country.

Arrests and administrative fines for causing fires were imposed on citizens for negligent arson on Naxos and in Drama, Achaia and Lakonia. 

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