Mount Parnitha protection group calls for more volunteers

Mount Parnitha protection group calls for more volunteers

The Attica Forest Fire Protection Volunteers (EDASA) group announced the start of fire watch patrols on Parnitha mountain on Wednesday and called for more people to join the effort of protecting one of the Greek capital’s most valuable natural habitats. 

“We call every active citizen to participate. There is no need for equipment or special knowledge; all you need is time and willingness,” EDASA said in a press release, noting that teams are always headed by an experienced volunteer firefighter. 

“June started rough and with the first heatwave, we saw the first fires. Instead of ‘boiling’ from the heat and the distress of seeing forests burn, EDASA invites you to Parnitha for a night of cool temperatures and voluntary service,” the agency quipped.

EDASA, which is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization, has been carrying out patrols on Mount Parnitha every summer since 1987. Its patrols take place around the Skipiza lookout tower.

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