New heatwave, more dust on its way next week

New heatwave, more dust on its way next week

Temperatures are set to soar again next week across the country with meteorologists even forecasting up to 43-44 degrees Celsius in heat-sensitive plains.

According to the National Meteorological Service (EMY), temperatures will begin to climb at the weekend between 34C and 36C in mainland areas, with a further rise from Tuesday.

The service’s forecast was also confirmed by meteorologist Yiannis Kallianos, who warned, as quoted by Naftemboriki news site, that a heat wave will arrive on Tuesday with temperatures rising to very high levels on Wednesday – above 43 in some areas

At the same time, dust from the Sahara is also expected to make a comeback on Tuesday and Wednesday, especially on the Greek mainland and the Ionian islands.

The intense heatwave, whose duration still remains unknown, originates from Algeria, Tunisia and Libya in North Africa.

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