Kos girl not Italian child

The search for an 8-year-old Italian girl who has been missing since 2004 is set to continue as a child on Kos that matched her description is in fact the daughter of an Albanian Gypsy, according to the results of DNA tests. Police on the island said that there was enough of a match to prove that the 29-year-old woman who maintained she was her mother was telling the truth and that the girl was not Denise Pipitone, who went missing from her home in Trapani, Sicily, in September 2004. After seeing a poster of Denise, an Italian tourist alerted authorities on her return from Kos that there was a young girl on the island who looked like her and spoke Italian. Speaking before the DNA results were made public, the missing Italian girl’s mother said that there have been previous sightings of the child that came to nothing. «If it is not her, I will keep on fighting because my daughter is alive,» said Piera Maggio.

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