Finger tip-off helps police identify robber

A 33-year-old Romanian who lost the tip of his finger while trying to break into an alms chest in a church on Lesvos found it hard to deny his misdeed after police traced him and presented him with the missing section of his digit. The would-be robber is believed to have suffered the injury when the chest fell upon his hand during his attempt to wrench it open, police said. The raid is thought to have occurred some time between August 31 and September 4, according to staff at the Aghios Christoforos Church. Police, who found the finger tip at the scene of the attempted crime, traced the Romanian who initially denied the charges, claiming to have lost the end of his finger in a car crash. But tests on the severed digit by forensic experts yesterday determined that it did indeed belong to the 33-year-old. Officers also found a hammer and chisel in the suspect’s car.

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