All construction halted in Filothei

All building work in the Athens suburb of Filothei has been frozen in a dispute between developers and the local mayor, who says the apartment blocks they are constructing go against a law passed more than 70 years ago that designates the district as one of substantial greenery. Speaking to Kathimerini yesterday, Mayor Thefrastos Economidis said that he has asked the Public Works and Environment Ministry to step in and put a freeze on construction as Filothei risks losing its character. «According to the current law, whoever builds a home can dig the whole of the plot of land, from corner to corner and create an extended basement. «Once a basement covering the whole of the plot is built, the developer usually covers it with earth half a meter deep before planting a lawn. He can’t plant any big trees because the earth is not deep enough. «Therefore, by allowing extended basements, we are limiting the amount of greenery and straying from the character of the area, which was designated as a ‘garden city’ in 1934.» Economidis says that he wants the government to push through an amendment to the zoning law so that anyone building in Filothei can only build a basement that is as big as the building’s footprint. This rule already applies to construction in other areas, such as Ekali and Thrakomakedones. «We were forced to ask for all construction work and licenses to be suspended because otherwise everyone would have rushed to obtain a permit now,» said Economidis. Developers who have seen their projects halted in mid-construction are furious with the mayor. «This decision is incomprehensible and comes from a privileged few who have already built in Filothei and now want to turn the area into an exclusive suburb,» the head of a construction firm who wished to remain anonymous told Kathimerini. The freeze on construction is expected to last until the spring, when the minister is due to make the necessary legal amendments.

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