ND nominates Bakoyianni for Athens

The daughter of conservative former Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis and widow of terrorism victim Pavlos Bakoyiannis was nominated yesterday as opposition New Democracy’s candidate for the mayoralty of Athens. One of the conservatives’ senior officials who currently serves as ND’s shadow foreign affairs and defense minister, 48-year-old Dora Bakoyianni will have to contend with the ruling Socialists’ Christos Papoutsis. The elections will be held in October, and are awaited by many as an indication of how the vote could go in the next national elections, due before the spring of 2004. Announcing Bakoyianni’s widely anticipated candidacy during a meeting of party MPs yesterday, ND chairman Costas Karamanlis said he wanted to «boost [the capital’s] preparations for the 2004 Olympics with one of our best people.» «At this unique moment of its history, we want Athens to have the mayor it deserves,» he said. Athens is a traditional ND stronghold, last run by a Socialist mayor from 1978-86. The incumbent, Dimitris Avramopoulos, was twice elected on the ND ticket. Bakoyianni said she wanted to make Athens «more human.» «Over the next few years, important decisions will be taken on major issues that will determine the future of Athens,» she said. «It is the city’s last major chance… to acquire a different infrastructure and functioning… and to become a more modern and human city where we and our children can live.» PASOK General Secretary Costas Laliotis played down the nomination, speaking of a «pre-ordained party candidacy.»

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