Links between Italy’s Red Brigades, Greece’s November 17, and Carlos

The reappearance of the Red Brigades in Italy, and the fear of a revival of the phenomenon that shook Italy in the 1970s, has the Greek security services worried, particularly at the Public Order Ministry which has invested a great deal in its search for the November 17 terrorist group. Of particular concern is the fact that the new Red Brigades appear to have gained from the experience of Greek terrorist groups whose success in eluding capture is based on the utmost secrecy, their small, tightly knit structure and an ideology frozen in communism of the old school. The Red Brigades’ choice of victim, Professor Marco Biagi, a man who played a major role in reforming the social security system and deregulating the labor market, has caused even greater concern here, given that similar problems plague Greek politics and could prompt a reappearance of November 17, which has lain low since the murder of British defense attache Brigadier Stephen Saunders in the summer of 2000. Despite these apprehensions, which are logical under the circumstances, the Greek authorities are still hopeful of the outcome of their own investigations. Public Order Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis, the British Embassy in Athens and, to a lesser degree, the US Embassy, miss no opportunity to give assurances of progress in the investigations, as well as the impression of being close to a revelation. Although the minister has been threatened and realizes the inherent difficulties in such a complex issue, he openly declares that he will «see it through.» Evaluating the evidence Unlike his predecessors, Chrysochoidis has not fallen into the trap of making rash predictions, but he is in a position to claim that, at present, existing evidence is being systematically processed, analyzed and linked to new evidence, and that there are no political or other obstacles to the investigation. Moreover, according to current information, special attention is being paid to investigations by judicial authorities, who recently have been cooperating with security services on a more systematic basis. The evidence in question was culled from earlier terrorist attacks, both at home and abroad, and has been evaluated in the light of new evidence. Particular emphasis is being put on the alleged activities in Athens of the group led by Carlos the Jackal and the assistance it received from both Greeks and foreigners living here or staying temporarily. Greek terrorists’ links with the Carlos group are believed to be the weak link in the chain and a way of breaking the secrecy characteristic of local terrorist organizations. The involvement of this group in attacks in Athens is under particular scrutiny and might just provide the clues Greek authorities have been looking for. According to other reports, people who have been linked or have found themselves on the fringes of terrorist activity in any way are also under surveillance. At any rate, these small rays of light have given the impression that systematic pressure is being exerted on a specific set of people, inhibiting wider revolutionary violence. For some time now, terrorist groups have been inactive, even avoiding minor attacks, such as setting off gas bombs, according to senior police officials. It appears that terrorist groups are feeling the pressure, though local authorities feel the re-emergence of the Red Brigades might encourage them to commit an act of violence that could either muddy the waters or provide vital clues. Regardless of the effects, Chrysochoidis appears determined to see things through to the end. He appears to be confident in the evidence acquired, is aware of the personal and political risks he is taking but strongly believes that the problem is extremely damaging to Greece. He also believes that a breakthrough will do the government good and might be just what it needs to come out of its current crisis. However, the minister does not want to rush into anything that could be called into question. He is waiting for the day he can call an emergency press conference and present the entire story of Greek terrorism, accompanied by indisputable evidence.

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